Glyph Talk

Glyph Talk
Built before the establishment of the Dynasties, built before the Pharoah, the glyphs housed in Ancient Kemet's temples, when under the right conditions, were said to tell a tale quite of their own....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Bohemian Grove

Initially, I was hesitant to touch on this subject unless I was asked about it specifically. However, I did figure that eventually the subject of Masonry would come up, along with its affiliations as a word or concept commonly overheard by curious ears and just as often dismissed as some type of conspiracy theory. In reality, Masonry is a very real concept and about as far away from conspiracy theory as you can get. This article will talk a little bit about Masonry as a means of offering an overstanding (or understanding, if that is what is better comprehended) on the Bohemian Grove- which I was also hesitant to touch on because it is a peripheral issue in relation to Ancient Kemet; but Masonry, and so also the Bohemian Grove, are topics that find their grounding with the teachings, and as well as with the destruction, of the Land of the Blacks.

Kemet itself was a spin-off or "Masonic" state of a former society known as the Order of the Two Horns which is ancestral to Kemet, being the base of Kemetic knowledge-- which was actually the peak of homo sapien civilization-- at least in terms of spiritual science. However, arcane and physical sciences that are no longer part of the transmission of knowledge were also practiced in Kemet: gene splicing, alchemy, manipulation of the weather, etc. At one point, Kemet even operated without a policing or judicial system, for its people operated on a heightened spiritual level based on unity with the Source and the Divinity of Ma'at. Modern day computer chips, even, are in fact modelled after the design of the Kemetic Temples- in terms of aesthetics and also the organization of the sharing of knowledge (Ask me to write on this another time).

When I say Masonic I only mean that Kemet was a state that "built" on what a former Order had already established. This Order travelled the planet and were the first to teach Spirituality, Math, and Science to humanity. Their name, "Two Horn" (although this also has a deeper universal origin which involves other galaxies and celestial significances) stems from the food that they ate while in North East Africa, the now extinct Auroch originally prevelant in parts of Asia, Europe, and Africa, of course.

Again, sorry to leave things short, but I will talk further on the Order and the history of Masonry another time. The basic gyst is that this Order is the first Fraternity, and eventually oaths of secrecy came into play as the knowledge travelled further and further from the state. These oaths involved "pledges." Like a modern day fraternity does.

The inauguration ceremony of George Washington into the Presidency was also a masonic ritual. The Statue of "Liberty" has nothing to do with liberty. It is a masonic symbol stemming from Ancient Babylon representative of their divine trinity of Nimrod, Neleus, and Queen Samirimis. Queen Samirimis was depicted as a dove. The latin word for dove is columbo/a. The next time you watch a movie and see, "Tristar Columbia" with the picture of a certain and familiar statue underneath it, remember what you've read here. So, the U.S.A was built on the foundations of something which came before it, and I do not mean like Europe to Greece or The United States to Europe. I am not discussing geographic foundations, but knowledge foundations. For Knowledge is civilization.

Now it was recently blown wide open by a reporter named Alex Jones (David Icke as well, I believe. Look it up if your interested) that the most powerful members of the United States along with those elsewhere on the planet who direct and manipulate the world economy were found to gather annually at the Bohemian Grove in California.
Here, a Masonic ritual (just one of the many they have their members perform) involving mock human sacrifice is carried out. Dressed in robes, the men sacrifice a Black child to the Canaanite deity, Molloch. Molloch is represented as a bull or an owl or some type of horned (...cough) beast.

Even worse, the men engage in rampant acts of gross homosexuality (not that there is anything wrong with this, but these are the conservative "Christians" that pervade the American political system, "In God we trust." Remember my article on the "GOD" concept? Yeah, unfortunately, things are that serious. I will write on Christianity and its true origins another time- for this subject is VERY important.)

Just WHAT in the hell are our political and world leaders doing at the Bohemian Grove engaging in these practices?

Food for thought.

In the Order of Ma'at, Peace be on you,


1 comment:

  1. Hello, I will like to have further discussions on a theory I have. Can you please contact me via e-mail.

