Glyph Talk

Glyph Talk
Built before the establishment of the Dynasties, built before the Pharoah, the glyphs housed in Ancient Kemet's temples, when under the right conditions, were said to tell a tale quite of their own....

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Metaphysics of Sex Series: The Womb-Man

What is a Woman? What does the Woman mean to us? We need to ask ourselves... do we really know, have we taken a moment at any time to sit reflect on it? Have we accepted the notion of womanhood as part of a 50/50 game of chance taking place during conception? WHY a woman, what does that mean? I do not presume to know more about womanhood than any of you- especially being that I am a male, but, a Man is a Woman's counterpart, and vice versa. If you are a Man, you CANNOT know who you are unless you know what a Woman is, and what that means. If you are a Woman, you CANNOT know who you are unless you know what a Man is, and what that means. To me, that is obvious enough. We were created as one or the other to be able to share in the dynamic that exists between the Man and the Woman. Without it, we would not have manifested here, correct? So, lets take a minute to think about what the Woman means.

Women operate on a higher vibration, a higher wavelength with the rest of the Universe, in retrospect, actually, they are probably (actually, most certainly!!) a superior entity. The Man has 7 orifices into the body, while you have 9- this is significant as a metaphysical concept. You are in greater harmony with the wavelength (Nine Ether) that operates throughout the Universe. You know, when you walk down the street and see a stranger, and sometimes you are able to communicate with that stranger- a near conversation at times- by a simple gesture or look of the eye. That wavelength. So, to the girls, the next time you feel someone's pain and it causes you pain to the point of tears, you do not need to feel ashamed. It is not a sign of weakness. Maybe, it is instead a sign of strength. Asking questions like this is what it means to have a "Scientific" mind- which is the most Open of minds that there is.

Lets look at the word, "Woman." Often, and here is why religion (not Spirituality) in my mind, needs to be condemned. This word does NOT denote that you are "of" Man, or a result of the Man coming first, as some religions would have you be-lie-eve. The word "Woman" denotes a Man with a Womb. A Womb-man. Is this important? Well, if you think about it, the Woman is like a vessel of Time travel. Through her we are able to manifest and procure a place in the future by the succession and re-birth of ourselves into the next generation. Through women we are able to perpetuate the advancement of our civilization(s), AND our genus, by the successive accumulation of Knowledge, and through that knowledge continue our Growth and our Mastery over our Individual selves. Women have the power to choose and reject what is going to be manifest in the future. As homo sapiens, we need to start recognizing that the manifestation of our own destiny is the metaphysical principle behind the physical principle of Selective Breeding. Women are the out-drawers of our (collective) potential. It is not that women are necessarily weaker than men, they are weaker physically, and perhaps there is a reason for that. Maybe that is the case because they do not need to have that type of strength, our power is drawn out by them and placed into the hands of Men to implement. It seems to be that there is significance in our need for one another, in other words, that dependence MEANS something more than what is physically pereceptible. Something that we have yet to really figure out, or maybe something that we have forgotten.......
Who knows? :)

A Woman's choice of a mate is not a blind devotion to an otherwise senseless law which demands that we pass on our seed. It is a choice which has REAL UNIVERSAL, SPIRITUAL, and METAPHYSICAL implications. It is part of a Spiritual Science. Physical science is meaningless and stupid to pursue without the other as your starting purpose- you will never gain the Right Knowledge of Why ANYTHING "IS" without it. This is why Kemit was a highpoint of human civilization, as you will slowly see, and civilizations outside of it thought that this planet was flat and Man was capable of falling off of it until as late as 1492! This is because the wrong questions were being asked, and the wrong questions were being asked because there was an err in their standpoint toward Learning.

Now, I have not answered the question of what a woman is or what it means to be one, because I do not know, but at least now we can begin considering these things for ourselves from the standpoint of an inherited Divine responsibility. It is about far more than choosing a mate with the resources to enable us to better potentially care for and maintain our children. Women (and Men) must understand how important we are in relation to the status of our sex. Perhaps the Lock of a Woman is not to yield to the Key of just any Man-- perhaps not every Key will fit....
So, perhaps, we've gotta search.

"Man, Know Thyself." Hotep (peace).


  1. Give Thanks King For The Knowledge! Hotep!

  2. By the way, is there an article/link for "Ankh, the womb/the penis/the conception= a divine trinity" ??

  3. This is nice it is real nice. And divinely lines up with the word of God.

  4. Impressive from a Man's Third Eye. Interesting...
